Space Invader @ East London Massive

Monday, March 31, 2008

Space Invader towards new remote frontiers

Since last summer (I remember, shortly after CAV) we've been working to some new -quite radical and not yet announced- developments for Space Invader which really really excite me! In the last few weeks, we have improved this new technique. I feel it's getting closer and closer...

Be prepared.... stay tuned...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Space Invader in Princeton

The new paper on join

Scalable Shape Analysis For Systems Code.
Hongseok Yang, Oukseh Lee, Josh Berdine, Cristiano Calcagno, Byron Cook, Dino Distefano and Peter O'Hearn.

has been accepted for publication in CAV 2008.

Space Invader is gonna invade Princeton!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

jStar is born

A Java cousin of Space Invader is just born. It's called jStar and it aims at the verification of tricky Java programs. Details in this paper:

jStar: Towards practical verification for Java.
Dino Distefano and Matthew Parkinson.